Tuesday, January 29, 2013

{30 by 30} Updated!

Five months later and I decided to go back over my bucket list. While I was only able to cross off two things as complete, I realized that more than a handful of others are currently in progress, which is encouraging! 

How about you? Have you made a bucket list of sorts? How's it coming - I'd love to hear!
1. Add two more kiddos to our family
2. Visit my sister and her sweet family in Florida (October 2012)
3. Read through the entire bible (In progress)
4. Finish our backyard
5. Completely remodel our master bathroom (Started January 2013!!)
6. At least have tentative plans and savings started to visit Europe with my husband
7. Complete a triathlon
8. Go on a cruise (Possible plans in the works for late this year)
9. Take our kids to Disneyland
10. Finally convince my husband to watch The Sound of Music with me
11. Master the art of cocktail making
12. Attend a TSO concert
13. Get a 2nd tattoo with my hubby
14. Take a weekend trip to Santa Barbara
15. Try a new sport (maybe skiing!)
16. Buy a chess board (We had one given to us!)
17. Visit at least one major flea market in the country
18. Get my Etsy shop up and running again
19. Put on a tea party for Claire
20. Host a Halloween party
21. Volunteer more!
22. Go through another Beth Moore study
23. Upgrade to a cal king bed
24. Wake my family up early and watch the sunrise somewhere special
25. Take a weekend to be completely technology free!
26. Read every one of Charlotte Bronte's books (Currently reading Villette)
27. Take a specialty cooking class
28. Go back to the spot we became husband and wife
29. Seriously look into becoming a Bradley birthing instructor
30. Learn to use power tools (inside joke there)

Friday, January 25, 2013

{Adventures of a One-Year Old}

Our sweet girl is growing right before our eyes! What a fun, happy, adventurous little sweetie she has become. Some current favorites of hers include: playing at the park, dancing, getting into Mommy's jewelry and tight hugs around the neck! Here's a little snapshot of the last two months :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Instaproof: I DO Still Cook!}

Well, hello! How have you been, friends. Bet you'd about given up on me. Though if you're reading this, you obviously haven't removed me from your blog feed, or you saw this link on Facebook and probably did a double-take.  I certainly have much to share (hint: house renovations!), but let's start slow shall we ;)

Today, the girl and I are going on day five of a gnarly cold. And so, I am lying in bed with her, snuggling in and trying to stay as warm and comfortable as possible until we're feeling ourselves one again.

To pass some time, since I can only sleep so much, I began purging my phone of some old pictures and came across more than a few food pictures that I've posted to Instagram. Hello, I'm Kate and I'm an Instagram junkie. But I digress. As I kept scrolling through these pics, two things occured to me:

1) I snap A LOT of food pics! and 2) I really need to start blogging again because otherwise, these great new recipes go forgotten (ahem, Mommy brain...) and I completely lose track of things I've tried, where I found them, etc.

So I suppose this is as good a reason as any to actually fire up these old blogging skills. And to that I say, welcome back Self!

I told you, Instagram junkie...!

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