Happy Friday! Surely I'm not alone in welcoming the weekend with open arms! This week was a tough one, getting use to my husband being at Raiders' training camp for a good part of the week. Phew, let's just say that I am not cut out to be a single parent!
{But that said, I am beyond proud of him and incredibly grateful for his new job!}
It might have been a bit easier had we not just come back from a weekend of camping! Though the exhaustion and extra laundry was well worth the precious time spent with my Dad, step-mom and sweet brothers and sisters!
We camped at a beautiful campsite in Sonoma Valley and took a drive to Bodega Bay on Sunday afternoon where the kids got to play at the beach. Great food, great company and lots of wine by the camp fire made for a lovely visit. Though, as always, I wish we had more time together. These trips just never seem to be long enough. But {sigh} we will take all we can get!
And as usual, here are some photos from the weekend
She's gonna love me for this one someday ;)
Silly girls, begging to sleep in our tent :)
Melt. My. Heart.
My favorite girls on the planet: my sisters and my daughter!
The spectacular view from our campsite!
Just chillin'
My sweethearts on the beach
Beach fun (even though the water was freezing!)
Taking in the lovely sights after lunch in Bodega Bay
The official picture of Claire with her Aunts & Uncles! I love this so much!
And a shot of the whole family. Not bad for attempting to get ten people to smile!
Weekends like these are definitely Summer at it's finest!
omg melt MY heart! that pic is so awesome! FRAME! :-D
Agreed! :-)
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