Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Claire Elizabeth {12 Months}

My Dearest Claire~

One year ago today I held you for the first time and in that moment, I was sure my heart might explode from the joy I felt! The second I first laid eyes on you, it was clear life would never be the same. This past year with you has stretched me, refined me, challenged me and shown me God's goodness in ways I never expected!

Your Daddy and I have had the sweet privilege of watching you blossom from a tiny infant you were a year ago into the sweet little toddler you are today! This month you reached the exciting milestone of walking and you are growing more confident in your new skill everyday. It is so fun to watch your excitement as you become more and more independent!

You are still an excellent eater and are willing to try anything we put in front of you. I love that you are so adventurous when it comes to food! You're still rockin' your four teeth (two top and two bottom), though at least two new top teeth are about to make an appearance.

We are constantly amazed at how quickly you pick things up. Watching you learn new things is one of my favorite parts of parenthood! Your Daddy is most proud of the way you throw your hands up in the air when we say, "Touchdown!". It is too stinkin' cute!! And in general, you love to mock our facial expressions and noises.

We can't go anywhere without making a few new friends thanks to your social graces :) You are our little ham and we wouldn't it change it for a thing!

Little One, you have taught us so much in such a short time and brought us more joy than I thought humanly possible. You have only been a part of our family a year and yet, we can hardly remember life without you! I am blessed and endlessly honored to be your mommy, to watch you grow and learn, to teach you about life, to care for you, to love you and to call you my daughter. Being your mom is the best calling on earth!

Happy Birthday, Claire Elizabeth! May the Lord bless us with many more wonderful years with you!

Official Stats

Height: 31 inches (88th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs. (96th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.27 in. (85th percentile)

1 comment:

Missy said...

awww so cute!!

and i like your scarf!

and is that a scentsy buddy? cute :) i love those things :)

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