This past week was a thoroughly delightful one. And not because we went on some extravagant trip or because we got to go home for the holiday (so thankful those days are behind us!) but, simply because we spent so much time with our family, friends and each other.
Last Wednesday, Chris and I drove with his dad and step mom to Colfax, a town about 30 minutes north of us, to surprise his grandpa and his wife on their 25th anniversary! It ended up not being a surprise because his grandpa had been golfing in Napa and locked his keys in his car! This caused him to be about 3 hours late to dinner!! Sadly, he knew what was going on by the time he got there, but not to worry, we still enjoyed ourselves and had some great quality time with about 25 members of the family (some of who I have never met). Note my sarcasm when I say that I also enjoyed the family questioning us about kids! Chris dad is the first born and Chris is the first born grand child, so no surprise that he is expected to deliver the first born great grandson. In time my friends:)
Our eventful night was followed by an even more eventful morning were we had to be up at 6:30 for the 5k we participated in on Thanksgiving! Allow me to clarify. My mom and I participated in, Chris was our driver and photographer:) This will definitely become a tradition for us! There were over 30,000 participants, making it the largest Thanksgiving Day run nationwide!! It is such a great way to start off the day! The crisp air gave us the energy to go home and prepare dinner. We officially hosted our first Thanksgiving...Yay! The food was great, the company was amazing and I could not be more thankful to have our family so close. We are truly blessed! We ended our night at Chris' Pop's house for games and dessert. Who could ask for more?
I must tell you that Black Friday shopping is a long time tradition for my mom and me. We have always enjoyed the hustle and bustle, the fantastic deals, the Starbucks run and most of all the thrill of the Christmas season final being upon us! I think this was our best year, mostly because I haven't been home for Thanksgiving since my Freshman year and we have really missed doing it together. We were among the thousands of people (mostly woman) standing in line at Kohl's at 4am!! I should note that it was well worth it since I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping! Don't be jealous:)
Check us out at 4am!
Last but most certainly not least, we spent the weekend relaxing and decorating for Christmas. We put up our first Christmas tree (married that is)! I had a ball putting up all of my new decorations! When I say new I should clarify that they are new since coming from my mom's abundance of Christmas stuff:) She is so gracious and let me rummage through her things and take what I wanted. I guess when you have about 30 bins of decor, you won't miss one or two!
We ended our weekend with couples night with some of our friends. What an awesome way to spend a weekend!
On a somewhat random note, I am so, so, so excited for my dear friend Stacey who got engaged on Thanksgiving! We were freshman roommates and again our junior year. Just for the record, I like to credit myself with Stacey and Darren meeting:) It's true! But anyway, I am truly happy for you guys and am sure you will make each other incredibly happy!! Congrats!
The countdown has begun...25 days 'til Christmas! Happy Monday:)
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