Ours was quite event-filled, but absolutely full of wonderful people and fun! As I told you Friday, we had Jeff and Becky over for homemade pizza and Gran Torino. Great night, despite my minor fisaco with the pizza dough:) It is so refreshing to have people over who love our pup as much as we do:) I think she bonded with them while they dogsat her the week we were in Hawaii for our wedding. This picture makes me laugh! All night she was attacking Jeff with kisses! I'm so glad you two are dog people!! We had so much fun!

These Dahlias are like a kiss from summer:)

We spent Saturday morning with my in-laws:) We went to Awful Annie's for breakfast (YUM!) and then did some garage saleing (no surprise there!). And that evening Chris and I had the best date! We had dinner at Sarritella's, one of our favorite restaurants (with much history for us) and enjoyed some delicious pasta, wine and the best bread sticks that come with peanut butter on the side! And for part two of our date night we packed up dessert, champagne and some blankets and headed to "our park" to watch Charade on our portable DVD player:) Talk about a great, romatic night with my husband! We were up on a hill that offers a spectacular view of the sunset as well as the lovely Saramento evening breeze:)
My hubby at Sarritella's:)

Our yummy dinner!

Excited about our dessert and movie in the park!

The lovely hilltop sunset:)

Strawberries, mini cheesecakes and champagne!

And finally, Sunday was spent in San Francisco with my darling friend, Lael. While we hung out, Chris went to the Giants game with some guys:) Basically it was a great day for all parties involved:)!
We started the morning at a wonderfully delightful bakery called Tartine, where Lael and I both ordered the Almond crossaint and a latte! I must say the 30 minute wait in line was so worth the delectible sensation our taste buds received when we took our first bite of this pastry in the park! No lie, the best almond crossaint I've ever had! So worth the "splurge" calories!! With all the walking we did though, I'm sure at least half of it was burned off;)
We spent a good amount of time at Anthropologie, where I FINALLY bought this dress I've been wanting for several months now and it finally went on sale! I'm still giddy about it:)

We ended our day at Golden Gate park with more walking:) Our intention was to rent bikes, but by the time we got there, the Giants game was over and Chris was headed to pick us up...bummer, but I cant say we didn't have a lovely time together.
Oh, but I can't forget the other treat we had! There is an ice cream shop called Humphry Slocombe that serves some really unique flavors like Breakfast surprise (Bourbon and Corn Flakes) and Salt n' Peppa. After trying several, I ended up getting Pineapple 5-spice and Coconut. I know, compared to some other flavors, mine were so boring, but absolutely delicious!
I don't know what's wrong with me, but again, I didn't take ANY pics of my time with Lael. She is sending me some from her camera, so those to come soon:)
I am so lucky to have spent time with two of my closest friends the last few weeks!
And on a semi-random note, my Mom is finally coming home tonight after visiting our family in the Midwest the last 2 weeks!
I hope August has started out wonderfully for you!
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