Monday, May 21, 2012

Just My Size

There are things in life you just can't pass up, like the perfectly sized Adirondack chair we bought Claire this weekend. For just five beans our Wee One will be stylin' in a seat of her own this summer:) And a sweet bonus, it matches the two I just got for my birthday! 

Why is everything cuter when it's miniature?!


Rhe Christine said...

omg that's adorable! its so true about the mini stuff....i mean, even the world "mini" is cute! LOL
where did you get it?

Missy said...

how adorable! i agree you HAD to get that lol

Unknown said...

So glad we're not the only ones who thought this purchase was totally necessary;) And Rheanna, it's from Walmart!

Faith said...

Omg so cute! Everything is cuter miniature!

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