Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just trust!

Do you ever pray about something and then completely forget to thank God for answered prayers? I know I do, all the time! In fact, this week is an excellent example.

I am the one who tends to stress way too easily in our marriage. Seriously, everything gives me anxiety! Most of the time, all it takes for me to see the big picture is to talk things over with Chris or my mom. They are both extremely reasonable and grounded people and I am so blessed to have them in my life! Anyway, multiple things happened at the beginning of this week that gave me a sick feeling in my gut and I just didn't know how everything was going to work itself out: money, jobs, timing of big events happening in our lives, my procrastination with putting my Cardio class together...this list could go on for days! So, I send Chris a text at work on Monday and he responds by saying, "I am stressed too, but the Lord will provide even if we don't trust it right now". Simple right? I realized, "DUH!", why have I been trusting in myself and our abilities to provide. So, I gave it to God, realizing that He is ultimately sovereign and moved on. Fortunately, this is not where the story ends. So I am sitting here this morning thinking about the week and realized that SO many things have happened since Monday to really lighten our load and before I left to teach my class this morning I had an amazing calmness...ME?!? The thing that really gets me is how quick I was to see these blessings as a coinsidence. Obviously I realize that prayers are not always answered immediately or in the way we expect, but, the Lord is always taking care of our needs and will provide for them as He ses fit.

Just a little reminder to trust more and worry less. In times of trouble and distress or in happiness and comfort, let us not forget the One who loves us and dwell in His peace.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding. will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philipians 4:6-7

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