Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting in a Groove

I am a huge creature of habit as I am sure many of you are too. Now here's the truth, I absolutely love taking care of Chris, Abby and our home, etc. I cherish the first six months of being married and being able to do these things almost exclusively.I had such a geat routine worked out and it was going so well. Bah! Why did I have to go and get a full-time job? I'm kidding...kinda;)

Anyway, the coolest thing happened last week...I finally got back into a groove! You know, where you have a routine that just clicks? And it only took me 5 weeks!

Allow me to elaborate. my dear friend Emily is home from Chicago (the one getting married in May!). So, of course, we needed to make a date ASAP. It was Friday night and I simply had to make my Whole Foods run since our weekend was pretty booked and we were completely out of produce:( I have come to the realization that I must become a multi-tasking woman if I am ever going to get everything done! So, I asked Emily to keep me company while I shopped. Who knew what a good and productive time two friends could have while scanning the aisles at the grocery store?!

I also realized that this was the first weekend that I didn't feel overwhelmed by my list of "to-do's". Not only did I accomplish making homemade bread, peanut butter and an Italian wedding soup for lunch this week, but I also had time to clean the apartment, finish laundry and still had time to relax and spend an afternoon with Emily! Phew!! In addition, we are also making it a habit to go to the gym most nights after work, it's about time! Like I said before, I got my groove back:)

On another note, Me and Em went to see her dress on is GORGEOUS! I am getting so excited about her and Mark's wedding in a few short months!

I am also super excited about My Love's birthday this Thursday! He will officially be in his mid-twenties! I can't wait for him to know about all of the surprises I have in store for him. I can't share them yet since he always reads my posts:)

Hooray for Birthdays and fabulous weekends!

That's all for now:)


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