Monday, November 28, 2011

Two Weeks!

Hi there, friends! Wow, a few weeks away from blog land and you feel like there is a lifetime of fun stuff to share! Clearly, Claire has consumed my every waking moment (mainly because I can't take my eyes off of her!). Chris and I are completely, utterly, positively in love with our sweet girl!

As she is two weeks old today (how can that be?!) I just wanted to share some pictures of our first two weeks with her. And I promise to get back into my blogging groove soon, starting with our birth story tomorrow (fingers crossed)!

Claire, 1 day old!

Proud Daddy!
My sweet pea:)

First Raiders game :)

1 week old:)

First bath at home


Our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3:)

Happy girl at 2 weeks old!

Now can you see why bringing myself to blog has been so very difficult?! We just love her to pieces!!


Missy said...

aw. so precious. great photos :) it's funny in some pics i think she looks just like your husband and in others i thinks she looks just like you! lol

Natalie said...

she doesn't even need a bow.. and the one pic where she is winking.. I swear that's the same look you've given me when we've been working out.. all sweet but also one of those "you are still going to do what I say: looks.. just beautiful like her mommy and daddy..

Faith said...

she is so beautiful! i wouldn't be able to turn away to blog either. enjoy her! :)

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