Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Fresh New Look!

This morning as I walked into the bathroom, eyes half-shut, I flipped on the light and remembered that I cut my hair yesterday! I walked into the salon last night with the mentality that I needed something fresh, and that's exactly what I got. No exaggeration, I cut about 4 1/2 inches off, which might not seem too significant if I hadn't just cut another 4 inches off 8 weeks ago! So that brings us to a grand total of 8 inches:)I didn't even realize my hair was long enought to cut that much off!

I'm not gonnal lie, as Whitney (who is fabulous, btw!) started snipping, I got a little panicked, having flashbacks to my 11 year old haircut that I had no clue how to style! But I must say, after the initial shock of my hair barely grazing my shoulders, I absolutely adore my new cut! And an added plus is I actually know how to style it now! We also added some warm undertones, so I am very ready for the new season!

It's amazing to me how every outfit seems cuter with new hair! I swear I feel like a new woman!! And as silly as it may sound, I am really looking forward to working out tonight because I just love those cute, barely there, pinned up pony tails!

So this is from Chris' phone and the quality isn't the best. I'll make sure and take some more with my camera so you can see it in all it's glory ;) FYI, it was kinda windy...


Christie said...

Ummm, that's all fine and good - but until you post a picture of the new look...we can't enjoy it too!

Missy said...

yes lets see a pic! :)

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