I hope your weekend had you hoping it might last a few more days. Mine definitely did, but don't they always?!
Allow me to divulge a few highlights~
*Several hours of our Saturday were spent wine tasting in Amador Couty. The very best thing about wine tasting there is the tastings are complimentary. I know it seems ALL wine tastings should be free, after all, they are wanting you to buy their wine so they should let you taste it. However, many wineries in well known places like Napa usually charge between $10-$40 a tasting. Needless to say, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Maybe too much as we came home with five bottles of wine...Our motto is: when you find a wine you like, you should buy it! At least we have a good stock going into the holiday season:)

The first winery we stopped at had picnic grounds so we enjoyed our Whole Foods lunch at a pretty little spot with a pretty little view!

Enjoying his almond filled cannoli:)

Our view!

What we came home with:)

*Chris decided to go to the Raiders game on Sunday because it was blacked out. I was more than happy to have him go as I had a lot of studying to catch up on and he has been known to be a very good distraction to me:) I knew if he was home I wouldn't get it all done.
*My Sunday was very productive. And not just a little productive, but the kind where you actually check everything off your to-do list! It went a little something like this:
workout: check
pumpkin pancakes: check (YUM!)
grocery store: check
fold laundry: check
vaccuum: check
clean pantry and fridge: check
study 4 chapters: CHECK!!
pack lunches: check
Remember the Whole Wheat Pumpkin Pancakes I talked about Friday? They were so yummy!!

And I still managed to make this INCREDIBLE Grilled Corn and Potato Chowder while I watched a few episodes of Friends!

By the time Chris got home from the game I was feeling so relaxed and accomplished! We had a wonderful night and enjoyed dinner and a bottle of wine we bought Saturday. Might I add, it was fabulous!
I feel ready to take on this week!
Much Love!
holy cow! $40 for a tasting!
I know! It only costs that much at really well known places, but paying $25 for a tasting isn't unusual! Thankfully, I'm a total lightweight so we can only do a few a day. And typicall, they give you so much we end up doing one tasting at each place and sharing.
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