Bacon Lettuce Avocado Turkey Sandwich with Spicy Chipotle Mayonnaise

Allow me a second to pinch myself, because I still almost don't believe it! Actually, this has been going on for close to eight weeks, but we decided to keep it quiet until it was a done deal-imagine the buzz kill if it would have fallen through (which it almost did)! So we would officially like to shout from the rooftops that it is ours!!!
Many of you know that we have been on this journey of house hunting for almost two years on and off. It's been immensly frustrating at times, but we were sure that when the perfect one came along, the wait would all be worth it . And I think we would both wholeheartedly agree that was the case.
Pretty much from the first time we set foot in our house, we knew it was different from the rest, and not to mention more space than we were expecting to get! And even though the whole process took some time, it was definitely worth it as we were able to negotiate a brand-spankin' new roof!
So now's the time to move on to all the fun aspects of being homeowners! And let me tell you, we are like old pros-picking out paint swatches, doing an indecent amount of virtual shopping, and dreaming up a ridiculously long and exciting list of projects we would like to tackle. Let me just say, we've had a permanent smile glued to our faces this week!
So, what are some of our favorite things about the new house you ask?:
Have I said that I love our house? Our official move-in day is next Friday, but we will be in there this weekend getting our hands dirty with painting and the installation of new hardwood floors! Looking forward to sharing our new adventure as homeowners with you!
And Sunday we had dinner with family where I cooked my first EVER roasted chicken via this recipe I've been dying to try for over a year! Well, I actually cooked two since we had seven people. And it did not disappoint - tender, juicy and flavorful, all a roasted chicken should be! Plus there are leftovers for dinner tonight-score! And I must say, roasting a chicken-much easier than I thought, which means I will definitely be doing it more often! Thanks for the guidance, Mom!
Is it just me or does roasting a chicken well earn you some kind of culinary right of passage?
Lovely dinner, family, adorable trick-or-treaters and another win for the Giants is a great night in my book! And in case you missed yesterday's post, check out our pumpkins here!
Here's to a merry Monday and a happy start to your week!