Monday, November 1, 2010

A Few Firsts

Happy November! I trust you had a wonderful Halloween weekend-especially if you are cheering for the Giants in the World Series!! Here the weather was perfect and festivities abundant.

Wine tasting with the Hills on Saturday was nothing short of lovely. Brad and Laura had never been so it was great to experience with newbies! And thank you to Brad for being our entertained DD:)

{Notice he's pretending to hold a glass here...funny one}

And Sunday we had dinner with family where I cooked my first EVER roasted chicken via this recipe I've been dying to try for over a year! Well, I actually cooked two since we had seven people. And it did not disappoint - tender, juicy and flavorful, all a roasted chicken should be! Plus there are leftovers for dinner tonight-score! And I must say, roasting a chicken-much easier than I thought, which means I will definitely be doing it more often! Thanks for the guidance, Mom!

Is it just me or does roasting a chicken well earn you some kind of culinary right of passage?

{Look at those beautiful birds!}

{Roasted carrots and fingerling potatoes-a perfect side!}

Lovely dinner, family, adorable trick-or-treaters and another win for the Giants is a great night in my book! And in case you missed yesterday's post, check out our pumpkins here!

Here's to a merry Monday and a happy start to your week!


I'm Gettin' There... said...

Beautiful Katie!! Yes, I believe that roasted chicken gets you a new ranking in the Culinary world. Great job!!

Missy said...

very nice :) go you!

Unknown said...

Thank you, ladies!!

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