Monday, August 15, 2011

Daytriping In Tahoe

Happy Monday, friends! Can you believe the weekend is over so soon?! My cousin and her husband are visiting from the Midwest and we had so much fun with them that we're oh so sad to see the weekend go!

Since they had never been, we took them up to Tahoe on Saturday. Being outdoorsy people like ourselves, the plan was to pack a lunch, see some sights and take a moderate hike. It ended up being a gorgeous, clear day-perfect for said activities!

And yes, I hiked at 25 1/2 weeks pregnant, because that's how I roll. And for the most part it was great, though I definitely became aware of my diminished lung capacity in a whole new way. I can typically spritz up those trails with no problems, but Baby Girl made that a bit tougher this time around. That just means I needed a few extra breaks and that I didn't exactly go as far as I would have liked. But all in all, it was a great day spent with family!

1 comment:

Rhe Christine said...

yay! you go girl. Its crazy how the baby affects your body, no matter how much you did and how fit you were before. I was doing p90x before I was pregnant and now my 1980s aerobic pregnancy videos are about all I can handle!

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