I am always so thankful for the holidays. In addition to the obvious reasons we celebrate Christmas, I am always grateful for the opportunity to spend time with dear friends and family! And of course, it was wonderful having my Grandma and aunt here to celebrate with us!
I think it's safe to say that my husband made out like a bandit this year with the thoughtful and generous gifts from our family! Everything he received was perfectly suited for a new homeowner. As his power drill completely died just after we moved in, he got a brand new one, plus a Little Giant ladder system, a shop vac and a dremel. And not to mention all the other useful gadgets like a new level and such. And let me assure you, I've already had him put it all to good use working on a new project each night...and slowly, but surely it's all coming together!
I can't wait to share new pics of the house as we received some beautiful additions that I've been wanting like glass amber lamps from Crate and Barrel, a console and matching side tables for the living room and a beautiful stainless faucet for the kitchen {which is so amazing!}. Plus, Jeannine (Chris' mom) made pillows for the cozy room that say "warm" & "cozy", with her own drawings of a nest and "love birds"! It's wonderful to see everything come together and really feel like ours!
With out further ado, here's a glimpse of our holiday. Including Christmas Eve at Pop's, my parents for a crab feast {YUM}, Christmas morning at our house, then at each of our parents house's and Christmas brunch!