This morning has been that very way, and you know what? I miss it! It's funny because two years ago I was looking for work and didn't appreciate the time I had and now I am working two jobs and longing for more time like this. Crazy how your circumstance can make the same situation feel so different.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, and I wouldn't want to not be working, I'm simply trying to strike a healthy balance.
This morning I am preparing to teach my first yoga class tonight. I am so excited! I've been practicing and practicing the past few months in hopes of looking like I really know what I'm doing;)
I will say, compared to the first fitness classes I taught 2 years ago, I am now way more confident in my ability to teach well! And I am LOVING yoga more than ever!
And with my last swig of coffee, I'm off to perfect my Warrior 4...
Merry Monday!
ps~check out my pretty dahlias!

I'm sure you'll do great.
I know what you mean, finding that balance is hard...and one day you're walking around going, "how did I get so busy!? I went from wishing I was busier to wishing I had more time to myself." Time management is the key I guess...and the phrase "the grass is always greener rings in my head." But I wouldn't change anything for the world.
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