It is amazing to me how everything in life that has been worth having, has come with a price. I'm not talking money, but rather good old fashioned hard work.
The main reason this is on my mind is that Sunday was the first day of my "pre-marathon" training. This is the 19 week mileage build-up before I begin my 17 week training in July. The game is on and it's time to buck up! All day I have been anticipating my four mile run. I know it might not seem like much, but it's rainy and dreary outside. You know, the perfect kind of weather to stay cuddled up inside and NOT work out:) The thing is, that's not an option if I am going to be serious about training, right? Grr! So here I am, talking myself through the fact that I have made a physical commitment to run a marathon this year and by golly, I will do what it takes!
As I am giving myself this pep talk, I am amazed at just how many of the wonderful and enjoyable things in my life are a product of choosing to be disciplined.
*Keeping my body healthy
*Growing in my walk with the Lord
*Building a strong marriage
*Maintaining long distance friendships (such a hard one)
The four things I listed are, for me, the most difficult and rewarding challenges I face each day.
If training for a marathon was easy, it wouldn't be such a desireable goal, would it? So, just as with every other thing in my life that is worth working for, I am going to push through the possible (read, likely) pain and keep my eyes on the goal. My reward will come at the end of the race when I can honestly say that I trained diligently and my body was prepared for that day.
Okay, so here's the game plan: I am going to run my 4 miles complaints, I promise.

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 3:14
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