Monday, March 9, 2009

On Weekends...

Weekends truly are the necessary boost to get you through another week. While they are all marked with varying themes, each holds a possibility of rest and rejuvination.

This weekend was filled with some of my favorite components:) After an early run Saturday morning, my Mom and I were off for a half-day of coffee, shopping and catching up! Can it get better than that? After lunch at Pita Pit (mmm...) I met up with my Hunny.

We got a call from Emily's Mom earlier in the week asking if we would like to help with the wedding invites because Em and Mark were flying in from Chicago for the weekend! So the rest of the day was spent doing just that. We had so much fun and I was so happy to spend the afternoon catching up on wedding details with her. I must give kuddos to the guys because they were pros at the invites. In fact, they may have contributed more than we did! What can I say, we were busy chatting, though we did make a sandwich run for them:)

Sunday morning was brutal for us, as we got home late and lost an hour of sleep thanks to daylight savings! This is, in my opinion, the one and only negative thing about this season. Although I was pretty pleased when the sun was still shining in my kitchen at 7pm:)

Cleaning and laundry (7 loads to be exact!) took up most of the afternoon, but I am always relieved to have a few hours to catch up on these things. As a reward, we got frozen yogurt with Brad and Laura after dinner:)

I am now ready to begin a new week with a clean house and renewed energy!

I am trying to spread my enthusiasm at work today, so I brought some homemade apple spice muffins:) So far, it's working!

Happy Monday!

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