My day began with a loving gesture from my sweet husband. I walked in the bathroom to a beautiful calla lily and a cute little note:) And a huge plus, Chris had started my coffee!!! Absolutely LOVE him!
I must have been distracted by his sweetness because I forgot to put my wedding ring on after I put lotion on my hands:( I NEVER forget my ring and I seriously feel naked without it today! Sadly, we were running a little late for work so we couldn't go back home:( Huge bummer!
Also, I got my hair done last night and am officialy blond! I am SOO ready for summer! Chris loves it! I think it reminds him of when we first started dating:) Oh, sweet memories. I will make sure to post plenty of pictures of our trip so you can see my new hair!
Just THREE hours left of work and I am free! I can't wait to start the birthday festivities! Tomorrow I am spending the day with my Mom. Does it get better than Awful Annie's for breakfast, shopping, manis and pedis, shopping, lunching and shopping some more?? Don't think so!
This will probably be my last post until Chris and I get back from Napa on Tuesday evening! Can't wait to tell you all about it!!
Much Love and Happy Easter!!!
We'll be here in 3 days!

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