Friday, April 17, 2009

Patience, Perseverance and Balance

Can you believe it is already Friday?! Hooray!

I think the Friday excitement gets my brain juices flowing because I have a lot on my mind today.

First of all, this whole 3 day work week is fantastic! I definitely could, I SHOULDN'T, but I could get used to this!

Secondly, I was cleaning the apartment last night...

Wait-let me insert something quickly. I cleaned before we left for Napa and somehow, being home one day, our house is a disaster! Seriously, did clowns invade the place?? Somebody explain to me how this happens! I am pretty sure it has to do with us being crazed and not able to unpack, but still, it is ridiculous!

Anyway, as I was cleaning and putting away birthday presents, it became quite clear to me that we have officially outgrown our apartment! I should clarify, we have outgrown the kitchen. It's not like we have a small place. It is 1100sf, but the kitchen is the only room that is comparatively small. It also happens to be the room I need the most space in! Figures:) I could also be getting very ansy to move into a house...

So we have offers on two houses and have been waiting for the bank to accept one of them forever!! We knew it would be like this, but I am getting so impatient! I want cabinet space and a big pantry:) Ahh! Patience...

I know that it will happen when it is suppose to, but I am not a very patient person:) You would think I would have learned to be. After all, Chris and I did get married on the week of our 5 year anniversary:)

On another note, my Dad has agreed to run the marathon with me in December! Yay, I am so excited to have someone to race with! Although this means that I can't wimp out. Not that I planned on it but, eek!

While we're on exercise, I want to share my current enthusiasm. As many of you know, I absolutely LOVE everything about fitness, nutrition and good health. After all, I did spend 4 years studying it:)

This last weekend was a reminder of balance. I am a firm believer in the importance of exercise and healthy meals, but throughout the last few years, I have also come to realize how important it is to enjoy food! I am a very goal-oriented person and can be very hard on myself, but while I believe being disciplined is a very important thing, finding a balance is equally important. While we were vacationing, Chris and I enjoyed some incredibly delicious and, well, "indulgent" food. But ask yourself, how fun would a trip to Napa be if you couldn't enjoy the delicious foods they have to offer (a good glass of wine or a wonderful cheese). The key is portions. I don't make it a normal practice to eat these things on a daily, or even weekly basis, but there is definitely a time and a place:) Just wanted to remind us all to enjoy life and savor every last moment(and incredible bite!).

Lastly, fitness has got me thinking about a person whom I greatly admire for his philosophy and incredible passion for health and balance. This person is Dr. Kenneth Cooper and he happens to be a phenomenal example of these things. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to intern at the Cooper Aerobics Center last year and see first hand what this means!

“Fitness is a journey, not a destination. It must be continued for the rest of your life.” Dr. Kenneth Cooper

“It is easier to maintain good health through proper exercise, diet, and emotional balance than to regain it once it is lost,” Dr. Kenneth Cooper

Wishing you love, happiness and good health always!

1 comment:

Life with the Ellwoods said...

I just love reading your blog!!! I will be praying about the house offers!!

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