I am super excited about today's AIGH post! It is a special find I discovered about 2 years ago and I've been hooked ever since. For those of you who are new readers to the blog (welcome!), you should know that I am a complete magazine junkie! Seriously, it's like an addiction for me to find (and buy) several magazines a month...in addition to the five I already subscribe to:)They are mostly related to health, fitness, cooking and decorating, but this my friends is a true gem! The magazine is Clean Eating and it is a spin off of Oxygen magazine and their philosophy of eating clean. Basically, eating minimally processed, whole, nutrutious foods. As one of the colomnist frequently says, "Shop around the perimiter of the grocery store". They come out with a new issue every two months and I am always expectantly awaiting it's arrival!

As you know, I love recipes and frequently interchange where I get them, Whole Foods, Cooking Light, Epicurious and of course, Clean Eating. Well this week I decided to plan my menu around CE and, as always, they have all been fantastic!
I should tell you that of all the recipes I use (and I promise they are plenty!), I have had the most success with CE in regards to Chris loving them. There has only been one recipe that comes to mind that he actually hasn't liked. And really, I should have known better on that one...rookie mistake:) I think the biggest reason he is so fond of them is their simplicity. I mean really, when you are using fresh, whole ingredients, how can you go wrong?
The dinner I made on Tuesday night was particularly good and I feel I am obligated to share it with you! It is a spin on the philly cheese steak, but with chicken. I would not lead you astray, this is definitely a keeper!! Unfortunately, I couldn't find a picture anywhere for you to see just how scrumptious they look. You can however, check out the magazine! In the current July/August issue (pictured above), you can find the recipe on page 35. And tonight I'm going to venture to page 38 and satisfy our appetites with balsamic-marinated pork chops and grilled peaches!! I can't wait!
You should make Chris download the Whole Foods app for his iPhone. :)
I haven't received my July/August issue in the mail yet! How sad! But I made the grilled steak tacos with avocado salsa last week (from May/June) & they were awesome!
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