Friday night, we decided on Up for our date night entertainment. Seriously, it was so stinkin' cute! What is it about Pixar movies that appeal to both young and old alike? Whatever it is, they should keep it up. This is a must see!

All ready for date night!
And as predicted, I opened my eyes to the clock saying 6:09 on Saturday morning! Some people find it annoying to wake up early on the weekends, but I absolutely love it!! I feel like I have the whole day to savor:) I even stopped at our favorite little doughnut shop, Jasmine's, for a splurge of a breakfast. Man did we enjoy it! And because we had absolutely nothing planned, we got dressed and went garage sale-ing (surprising, I know!). We also stopped by the Tattered House, only to find the dresser I found last week was sold! Talk about depressing!! So we drove to Oldtown Folsom, where antique shops are abundant. I don't think I have been there in years. We had such an awesome afternoon walking around the shops and enjoying the great California weather. We also discovered the best gelato I have EVER had!! You should really trust me on this one. I traveled through Europe tasting numerous kinds of gelato and am here to say, this was better, well, at least as good:)
Yay for garage sales and great Saturday mornings together!
This afternoon I called my Mom to see if she wanted to go shopping with me. I needed to stop by Aveda for some essentials and wanted to make a stop at Anthropologie. I know I really shouldn't go there when I don't have a lot of extra money, but our anniversary is next weekend and I wanted a few new tops...and they are having a big sale. I finally made a decision on the few pieces I would buy, even though I wanted the whole store:) As my Mom was dropping me off at home she hands me a bag...? It turns out she's a real sneakster and bought me the headband I was drooling over AND a cute metal "H" (I am obsessed with H's right now). Seriously, how great are Moms?!
How adorable is this? I can't wait to wear it!
And because it was just too darn good not to post, here is the fabulous dinner we enjoyed tonight...
Fresh Mozzarella, Italian Sausage and Roasted Red Pepper Naan Bread Pizzas
I've been dying to make these for weeks now. Talk about a hit! And paired with Chimney Rock's Elevage Blanc, it was the perfect sweet ending to a perfectly relaxing weekend!
The countdown has begun...7 days till our 1 year anniversary!!!
Three is kind of a strange number of pizzas for you two...LOL.
What is this magical gelato place named?
Well, they weren't very big and Chris needs a little more than I do:)
The gelato place is called The Black Rooster in Oldtown Folsom. It is FAB!!
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