I am unbelievably excited about sleeping in tomorrow!(you know until around 6:30)Don't get me wrong, this week was wonderful, but I will definitely enjoy not needing to set an alarm:)
I don't even think we have any big plans for the weekend, which is the first in a while! We will need the rest for our upcoming festivities! Our one year anniversary is next Sunday and we are planning an awesome weekend!!! I still can't believe it has already been a year. Woot!
And on a side note, I just realized that we share our anniversary with Father's Day this year. Totally a bummer considering we won't be in town to be with our Dad's:( The first day of summer also lands on Sunday. June 21st is a big one this year!
For date night tonight we are going to the movies! It's been a while since we've gone, but we have free tickets! We haven't quite come to a decision on what we're going to see. Any recommendations?
Ooh, I made the Pasta Primavera I talked about last week and it was so yummy!! Seriously, a MUST try! I made some of my own variations that I think made the flavors a bit more rich. I also made the grilled fruit with the caramelized orange sauce for dessert. It was fantastic! But then again, how can you go wrong?
For the pasta:
*I used whole wheat fettuccine
*I omitted the peas because, well, I don't like peas
*Instead of just tossing the tomatoes onto the pasta, I roasted them for a deeper flavor
*I added grilled chicken to make it a complete meal (and because I fed my hubby all vegetarian last week and he was craving the meat:)
Have a great weekend!
You guys should see Up it was so good! We also saw The Hangover last night and it was pretty funny, but I definatly reccomend Up if you haven't seen it. It was super cute but you should really see it in 3d even though it's a little more expensive it's amazing. Miss you! Happy early anniversary:)
Up = Overrated. Kind of sad.
The Hangover = Hilarious
I wanted to see Night At The Museum 2, but Laura didn't. I'd suggest The Hangover if it's between those two.
Brad our movie compatibility isn't very good, typically.
Brinn~ Thanks for the suggestions! I think Up is definitely on the list. It's so great to hear from you. I miss you too! I would love to see you when you get back from SD:) It's been forever.
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