Being a West coast girl to the core and growing up owning one coat (for our trips to the the Midwest) I am not exactly keen on cold weather. Don't get me wrong, I adore Lake Tahoe in the winter, but if I'm being really honest, my ideal day in the snow is being bundled up in a cabin, by a roaring fire, sipping hot cocoa and indulging in a great book or playing games with the family. My extent of snow play lasts for
about 7 minutes! My husband on the other hand, could stay outside in the flurries for hours on end building an awesome sled run and throwing snow balls. All this to preface my feeling about waking up this morning to find that it snowed last night! That's right, every uncovered car in our complex was wrapped in a light, snowy blanket and it was COLD! Needless to say, I bundled up extra tight and blasted the heater in my little car this morning!
I hope your weekend was extraordinary!
My weekend was definitely one of rejuvenation! Women of Faith was amazing and I am so glad I decided to go, despite being tired after a long week. It was exactly what I needed!
Saturday night we finally had Parris over to watch Elf (one of my favorite Christmas movies!). We sipped hot chocolate and enjoyed homemade peppermint brownies (thank you, Parris!) and it was fabulous, even if us girls did fall asleep during the movie (it was kind of late)!
"Smiling's my favorite!"

And Sunday was spent Christmas shopping with my Mom! Hey, we had to make up for missing most of the black Friday madness with my Mom being sick! I am proud to say we made some good progress and we now have some presents under our tree!
I feel so ready to take on this week! Have yourself a Merry little Monday!
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