Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Campers

Now I haven't been camping in a few years, but has anybody else noticed how time sort of stands still when you're in the great outdoors? It may be the best thing that's happened to me in months! Seriously, not knowing what time it was and frankly, not caring, made for the most restful and rejuvenating few days. I can't believe I was even considering bagging out (mainly because I was overwhelmed)!

I didn't realize how much I needed a little break, and not just a few hours of reading a book (although I did finish one this weekend) but a few days with absolutely nothing that needed to be done, and couldn't be done even if I wanted to do it! And oh my, the three hour nap I took on Saturday afternoon was nothing short of divine.

And would you believe I was so rested when we got back yesterday afternoon that I had the gusto to unpack our bags and do 7 loads of laundry that had been piling up. I just felt that good!

Needless to say, we will no longer be putting off camping trips! I mean, who could pass up beautiful scenery like this...

Our campsite was right on this lake, which encouraged lots of walks. And Abby was totally and completely in her element!

Who wouldn't want to begin their morning with a hot cup of coffee and a morning stroll with your favorite husband and pooch?

Of course the weekend was also filled with games...

and some pretty amazing camp food! Which also included, but are not pictured, lemon blueberry pancakes, delicious steak sandwiches and obviously, lots of s'mores!

Over all it was an absolutely fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

Missy said... looks like you guys had an amazing trip! love the photos! :)

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