-Slept in until 10 am. Chris actually woke up before me, which NEVER happens!
-Stayed in my pajamas ALL day, and I must confess, it was absolutely glorious!
-Started many projects and didn't finish a single one...such is life:)
-Took a 2 hour nap while Chris watched the Raiders kick some butt. Apparently I needed to catch up on my beauty sleep!
-Had breakfast at Awful Annie's with some good friends.
-Attended Pottery Barn's "The Art of Organizing" class. The class was so-so, but turned out to be a great time spent with my friend Nicole!
-Browsed Crate and Barrels new Fall collection and purchased this adorable, retro looking kitchen towel.
-Finished almost every project I started Saturday.
-Played with the pups!
-Made a delicious grilled pizza for dinner using some amazing heirloom tomatoes.
-Relaxed with my hubby and watched Pirates of the Caribbean.
All in all, a much needed, refreshing few days!
And based on everything we used from our Farm Fresh to You box this weekend, we have decided it is pretty much the best thing EVER!
Hope you too had a lovely weekend!
Sounds like you had an absolutely amazing weekend! Can I see your lovely face sometime soon?
sounds lovely! :-)
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