Like clockwork each week, I plan our meals for the week and make a shopping list using these~

On the rare occassion I can tell I will be under budget, I might stray from the list and grab a bunch of flowers or some excellent dark chocolate or some decadent tea I've been wanting to try.
I'm not sure what happened this week but I was well under budget. We're talking record breaking and I honestly couldn't tell you why. Especially since I had added some delicious lemon and thyme turkey sausage, fresh pesto that I just had to buy once I tried a sample and a good sized chunk of Manchego cheese. All things not on my list!
As we got up to the check out I kept saying how much I liked the raw honey we had just sampled, but couldn't really justify the price. At this point I didn't know how much we had spent. But my sweet husband said I should go back and get it if I liked it so much. So off I went to grab a jar, deciding it was totally worth the splurge!
So you can imagine my suprise when our total came out $11 under budget, even with all the "extras". Pure craziness!
And so I feel obliged to tell you about this delicious honey I splurged on. It's called Apitherapy raw honey by Honey Gardens. I have never tasted honey so smooth and so deliciously sweet without being overwhelming. After reading a little about the differences in raw honey I learned that it is unheated and unfiltered, so it retains beneficial amounts of pollen, propolis and beeswax. It is said to support a healthy digestive system because of the high enzyme count and has traditionally been used as a remedy for seasonal allergies. I've been enjoying it all week on oat toast with a cup of tea.
I want to know, what foodie items do you splurge on when you have a little extra?

I too am a planner and list maker...all compiled cutely on my little blackberry. I find myself saving money when I plan out like that. I might just head over to wherever it is you shop (hint hint) and pick up some of that honey. It sounds extremely divine!!!
When I splurge I get seafood or special little snacks for the kids.
Mmm, seafood! If it weren't for my husbands mediocre love for seafood, I would definitely splurge on scallops and Ahi! Well, he does love Ahi...
ps~ I shop at Whole Foods:)
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