I am unbelievably happy to be writing this blog in the comfort of my own home and proudly still in my running clothes! And did I forget to mention I am in the wonderful company of my hubby? Yeah, he also took the day off... um, for moral support?? Haha, I love that he is home with me today:)
I got a few extra, much needed, hours of sleep this morning. The bachelorette party was a total hit! The bride-to-be looked stunning (in the gorgeous veil I made her), drinks were delicious, lingerie was a plenty and most of all, the company was fabulous!! I got to meet Emily's friends from school that I have heard about the last four years. It's always so nice to finally meet people you feel like you already know.
My day off is already off to a great start! I woke up around 7:30 and went for a run, followed by Chris and I walking Abby to Starbucks for coffee and oatmeal:) We kept saying this would be a wonderful tradition we could get used to during the week. Hmm, if only we could find jobs that required Chris to talk and write about sports and me to do wifely (and eventually motherly) things all day:) Here's to hoping!
I would be perfectly fine if my day consisted of the above and I could just clean and hang out with Chris all day, but I couldn't let my day off not include the much needed pedicure I have been lusting for the last week, could I? So, in a few hours I am meeting Parris to get our toes all prettied up:) And finally, the wedding rehearsal is tonight and I can't wait to wear the new dress I bought! Should be fun!!
Oh, and one last thing. for the last three years, since Origins came out with it, I have been obsessed with a fragrance called Shedonism. It is filled with hints of gardenia and jasmine an makes my skin feel amazing all day long! Someone always buys it for Christmas and my birthday, but this year I didn't get it for my birthday and I had just used the last of what I had:( So I went online last week to order some and lone behold they have just discontinued it!!! Ahhh! I was devastated. So last weekend, Chris called Origins and asked if they could track down a store that hadn't sent it back to the manufacturer yet. Well they called him back after tracking down five bottles. I kept saying I only needed one or two, but being the thoughtful guy that he is, he bought them all, saying, "You will regret not having all of them and I know how much you love it. This will give you some time to find another lotion you love". How sweet is he? The package came yesterday and I fully plan on savoring every last drop!
Hope your weekend is marvelous!
A peek into our night!!
The lovely Bachelorette!
Gettin' the night started!
Me, Elizabeth and Em:)
In Victoria's Secret...they hated us!
And of course, my Shedonism:)
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