This delicately mild, yet impressively flavorful Coconut Pouchong tea by Golden Moon makes me feel like I'm on a tropical island enjoying an exotic delicacy reserved just for me. Experiencing it for the first time as a freshman in college and falling head-over-heels for the aromatic coconut is something I've never forgotten. Thankfully for me, a little birdie put the word out that I have been talking about it and I received some for my birthday! It is quite literally the most amazing tea I have ever tasted!
I was also given the Bodum Ceylon Iced Tea Pitcher with filter for loose-leaf tea, making it super simple to create an iced version. Just imagine indulging in a few glasses on a hot summer evening...now that's a tropical getaway on the cheap!

Have a lovely Wednesday!
I <3 coconut and I <3 tea. Thanks for sharing!
and also...yes i would really like the info on your yoga certification if you wouldn't mind sending me the link! :)
oh coconut pouchong! I haven't had any in so long, but with summer rolling around, the iced version would be wonderful! xo.
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