This week has continued to be busy at work. In fact, we're so busy, I am actually craving my daily workouts as a means to relieve some tension! The other night I was running and I literally did not want to stop! I even decided to weight train even though I hadn't planned on it. Can I just say how much I love that a good workout can totally clear your head and restore your energy! It helps that I have the absolute BEST playlist to keep me going! My workout mix is complete with several RPM tracks, Pink and of course U2's Beautiful Day to cool me down:) Ah...I am getting revved up just thinking about it!
So yesterday we received our first shipment of wine from Chandon:) While we were in Napa, we joined their wine club:) You have to understand how much I adore their sparkling wine selection! Amazing!!
Last thing, I just had to post this YouTube video of my little sister, Ava. She is so stinkin' cute! Watch it, I promise you won't be disappointed! Notice how she shakes her shoulders around minute 1:50.
Hope your day is lovely!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Few Words on Words
You know that saying about how sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you? My opinion: biggest lie ever!
It has occured to me lately just how many opinions are out there. How great it is that we live in a country where we are able to express our opinions so freely! However, since when does having our own opinion entitle us to be cruel to others who don't share it? I have something to say: Words can hurt!!
I know that conversations can turn to heated discussions, which can lead to saying things we don't mean, but come on. Does a political conversation really have to turn into bashing people we would otherwise call a friend or family member, let alone someone we may not know or like very much?
Over the last few years, I have been learning how important it is to listen and respect people, even if I don't agree with thier politics, morals and other beliefs. Every single person should be able to give their opinion without being verbally attacked.
While mulling over this today, into my head popped a verse from James, "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19. Now those are words to live by!
Can we just remember to think before we say things we can't take back?
Wishing everyone a fantastic and peaceful week!
It has occured to me lately just how many opinions are out there. How great it is that we live in a country where we are able to express our opinions so freely! However, since when does having our own opinion entitle us to be cruel to others who don't share it? I have something to say: Words can hurt!!
I know that conversations can turn to heated discussions, which can lead to saying things we don't mean, but come on. Does a political conversation really have to turn into bashing people we would otherwise call a friend or family member, let alone someone we may not know or like very much?
Over the last few years, I have been learning how important it is to listen and respect people, even if I don't agree with thier politics, morals and other beliefs. Every single person should be able to give their opinion without being verbally attacked.
While mulling over this today, into my head popped a verse from James, "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19. Now those are words to live by!
Can we just remember to think before we say things we can't take back?
Wishing everyone a fantastic and peaceful week!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Surprises and Routines
I cannot tell you how many times Chris has sincerely surprised me with his thoughtfulness! He is unlike any man I have ever met and he has always been like this! Every time he buys a gift or plans something, you can bet there has been much consideration to the recipient. I truly strive to make others feel as special as he makes me feel on a daily basis:)
I had mentioned a few days ago that he had planned a date for us this Saturday. I had no idea what it was, especially since he had guys over to our place to watch the NFL draft, which ended up going until a little after 7pm. I love being surprised, so I was more than happy to be in the dark about it. It turns out Chris had been seeking out a good Blues Club in Sacramento for us to go to! (I also mentioned that we have been really into blues lately) We ended up at the Torch Club in downtown Sac where we grooved to Jim Sprankle. (Don't you love that name?) We had an awesome time! Seriously, what a fabulous date!! I told you he was thoughtful:) The best part is, there was no special reason or occasion for going, just because he wanted to take me out:)
We are getting to that point where we have routines and "traditions", if you will. I love the way we are settling into our life! For instance, Saturdays are always date night, Mondays are usually dinner at his parents and Sundays are a big yummy dinner at home (with dessert and all)! I love Sundays! I love having the time to grocery shop, clean out the fridge, relax and really take time to make a delicious meal:) I think it prepares us for the busy week ahead.
Tonight's dinner consisted of an herb rubbed pork tenderloin topped with a strawberry avocado salsa and a spinach salad. For dessert I made a lovely herb garden angel food cake from Simply Organic! Everything was so light, refreshing and full of seasonal flavor. My favorite part was the sweet ending:) It was very different and delicious. The angel food cake called for fresh basil and edible rose petals:) I know it sounds strange, but man was it good and so pretty!
Here are some pics of our relaxing Sunday meal:

BTW, I am very giddy because I just turned on the TV and Bewitched is playing, followed by I Dream of Jeannie!! I grew up watching these two fabulous shows! Yay for flash backs:)
I had mentioned a few days ago that he had planned a date for us this Saturday. I had no idea what it was, especially since he had guys over to our place to watch the NFL draft, which ended up going until a little after 7pm. I love being surprised, so I was more than happy to be in the dark about it. It turns out Chris had been seeking out a good Blues Club in Sacramento for us to go to! (I also mentioned that we have been really into blues lately) We ended up at the Torch Club in downtown Sac where we grooved to Jim Sprankle. (Don't you love that name?) We had an awesome time! Seriously, what a fabulous date!! I told you he was thoughtful:) The best part is, there was no special reason or occasion for going, just because he wanted to take me out:)
We are getting to that point where we have routines and "traditions", if you will. I love the way we are settling into our life! For instance, Saturdays are always date night, Mondays are usually dinner at his parents and Sundays are a big yummy dinner at home (with dessert and all)! I love Sundays! I love having the time to grocery shop, clean out the fridge, relax and really take time to make a delicious meal:) I think it prepares us for the busy week ahead.
Tonight's dinner consisted of an herb rubbed pork tenderloin topped with a strawberry avocado salsa and a spinach salad. For dessert I made a lovely herb garden angel food cake from Simply Organic! Everything was so light, refreshing and full of seasonal flavor. My favorite part was the sweet ending:) It was very different and delicious. The angel food cake called for fresh basil and edible rose petals:) I know it sounds strange, but man was it good and so pretty!
Here are some pics of our relaxing Sunday meal:
BTW, I am very giddy because I just turned on the TV and Bewitched is playing, followed by I Dream of Jeannie!! I grew up watching these two fabulous shows! Yay for flash backs:)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Funny Friday
As we were pulling into my parking lot this morning, I saw a delivery truck. It was a truck that delivers packaged romaine hearts. The side of the truck said this:
"Lettuce Romaine in your Hearts" ~ I'm sorry but I think that is hilarious!
Don't mind my soft humor, I needed something to perk me up this morning. Chris and I stayed up way too late last night watching The Office and Hell's Kitchen. So I woke up late this morning, which means I had to leave my hair curly. It's one thing when I choose to leave it that way, but this morning there was no choice involved! And I am so tired!! Needless to say, the truck made me laugh:)
Anyway, I hope you're having a Fabulous Friday!!
I'll leave you with this:
Michael Scott: You do respect dibs, don't you?
Dwight: I'm not a barbarian...
Haha! That's from last week, but I am still laughing about it:)
"Lettuce Romaine in your Hearts" ~ I'm sorry but I think that is hilarious!
Don't mind my soft humor, I needed something to perk me up this morning. Chris and I stayed up way too late last night watching The Office and Hell's Kitchen. So I woke up late this morning, which means I had to leave my hair curly. It's one thing when I choose to leave it that way, but this morning there was no choice involved! And I am so tired!! Needless to say, the truck made me laugh:)
Anyway, I hope you're having a Fabulous Friday!!
I'll leave you with this:
Michael Scott: You do respect dibs, don't you?
Dwight: I'm not a barbarian...
Haha! That's from last week, but I am still laughing about it:)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Busy Bee and the Blues
I am convinced there is no better alarm than the sound of my coffee maker starting up in the morning:)Mmmm... As tired as I am today, all will be fine now that I've got my cup o' goodness:)
I am so glad it's finally Thursday! This means I can almost see the weekend...Chris has a surprise date planned for Saturday night!
Work has been incredibly busy this week, which I absolutely love! It is awesome to be so productive and I must say, I am loving my job right now! It feels strange to say that. I've just finally gotten to the point where I feel really comfortable with what I'm doing! Ahh, the feeling of accomplishment! I can't believe I have been there for almost 5 months!
On a funny note, Chris and I have been obsessed with Blues lately. Ha! Both of us have always been fond of this kind of music, but the last week or so, it is ALWAYS on! In fact, Monday night we got frozen yogurt with our parents and as were sitting outside enjoying our dessert, Chris busts out the iphone and turns on BB King. I love it!
The time has come to begin the process of waking up my sweet husband. Yes, it is a process:) Have I mentioned that I love being married?! (maybe a time or two?)
Happy Thursday!
I am so glad it's finally Thursday! This means I can almost see the weekend...Chris has a surprise date planned for Saturday night!
Work has been incredibly busy this week, which I absolutely love! It is awesome to be so productive and I must say, I am loving my job right now! It feels strange to say that. I've just finally gotten to the point where I feel really comfortable with what I'm doing! Ahh, the feeling of accomplishment! I can't believe I have been there for almost 5 months!
On a funny note, Chris and I have been obsessed with Blues lately. Ha! Both of us have always been fond of this kind of music, but the last week or so, it is ALWAYS on! In fact, Monday night we got frozen yogurt with our parents and as were sitting outside enjoying our dessert, Chris busts out the iphone and turns on BB King. I love it!
The time has come to begin the process of waking up my sweet husband. Yes, it is a process:) Have I mentioned that I love being married?! (maybe a time or two?)
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Celebrating our Wonderful Planet

So I have been thinking, "What are we going to do to celebrate Earth Day?". The thing is, we have a one too many potted plants, plenty of herbs and no where to plant a tree. Typically, I would suggest one of these things. However, with little time after a long work day, I made the decision to celebrate by making a dinner out of my new fabulous cookbook, Simply Organic! I was skimming through the book yesterday and the recipes look truly delectable!
I am specifically excited about this book because the author has made the focus of each recipe to highlight local, seasonal, and of course, organic foods. Lately, I have really tried to shop and cook with this in mind. Imagine how diverse our meals could be if we really experimented with seasonal produce. Yum!
I hope you are enjoying Earth Day and find fun ways to celebrate this magnificent planet we have been given!
10 Wonderful Months
Can you believe it? Today marks ten months since our wedding!! Wow!
It blows my mind how quickly the time has passed, but you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun:)
The greatest thing is, these past months have only been a mere drop in the bucked compared to the lifetime of adventures and wonderful milestones we have yet to share! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
My sweet husband, I cannot imaging sharing my life with anybody else! You are Wonderful!!
I love you!
It blows my mind how quickly the time has passed, but you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun:)
The greatest thing is, these past months have only been a mere drop in the bucked compared to the lifetime of adventures and wonderful milestones we have yet to share! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!
My sweet husband, I cannot imaging sharing my life with anybody else! You are Wonderful!!
I love you!

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Clean Cut and Organic
At this very moment, I am listening to my husband yell at the TV. Oh, he is watching hockey:) I just love how different men and women really are! Seriously, he gets so worked up about these games and it just makes me laugh. Of course, he is not an angry person AT ALL so it is just really cute to see him get mad and then shoot me an adorable little grin:) BTW, he is extra cute right now. He got a haircut today AND shaved!! I was freaking out a tad last week when he told me he wasn't going to shave until the Sharks won the Stanley Cup...AHH! You should know that nothing is more attractive to me than a freshly shaved face. Thankfully my hubby decided it was more important to please his wife than to have a scruffy face:) Phew!
I feel extra loved today. Chris and I took advantage of the 80 degree weather and did a little shopping. Honestly, he kinda spoiled me:) We went to Anthropologie, where I got the book, Simply Organic, which I have been wanting to buy for about a year, but just never wanted to spend the money on myself. I am so excited to bust it open and create some of the delicious recipes! I also got some fabulous purple heels from Nordstrom Rack!! I seriously cannot wait to wear them!

I mentioned in yesterday's blog that Em's bridal shower was last night. It was absolutely wonderful! I love celebrating marriage! There was a portion of sharing during the shower where we gave the lovely bride-to-be marriage advice. What a great activity! I loved hearing what these women had to say. After all, I have only been married ten months and most definitely have SO MUCH to learn about being a great wife! How humbling to hear from ladies who have been married for years and are still learning how to better their marriage. You gotta love experience!
Well friends, the weekend is quickly coming to an end and that means an early alarm tomorrow:(
Sweet dreams!
I feel extra loved today. Chris and I took advantage of the 80 degree weather and did a little shopping. Honestly, he kinda spoiled me:) We went to Anthropologie, where I got the book, Simply Organic, which I have been wanting to buy for about a year, but just never wanted to spend the money on myself. I am so excited to bust it open and create some of the delicious recipes! I also got some fabulous purple heels from Nordstrom Rack!! I seriously cannot wait to wear them!

I mentioned in yesterday's blog that Em's bridal shower was last night. It was absolutely wonderful! I love celebrating marriage! There was a portion of sharing during the shower where we gave the lovely bride-to-be marriage advice. What a great activity! I loved hearing what these women had to say. After all, I have only been married ten months and most definitely have SO MUCH to learn about being a great wife! How humbling to hear from ladies who have been married for years and are still learning how to better their marriage. You gotta love experience!
Well friends, the weekend is quickly coming to an end and that means an early alarm tomorrow:(
Sweet dreams!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bridal Showers and Flowers
Whole Foods and Crate and Barrel. That's how this Saturday morning began:)
I am currently inhaling the delightful aroma of the orange, cherry and pecan coffee cake that I just baked for Emily's bridal shower this evening! I really hope it turns out as good as it smells!
While I was grocery shopping, I picked out a beautiful bunch of flowers and when I got home, Chris had picked roses from his parents garden for me:)
So let's see, two of my favorite places, a bridal shower, seeing my sweet friend for the weekend and several flower arrangements in my house. Yeah,it has been a great day!
I'm going to let these pictures describe the current state of my fabulous mood!

I bought this vase and some other things at C&B with birthday money!

Love the pinks and greens! It's so refreshing:)

Homegrown roses!

Don't these towels put you in a good mood?

Cute little herb labels:)
Hope your weekend is wonderful and relaxing!
I am currently inhaling the delightful aroma of the orange, cherry and pecan coffee cake that I just baked for Emily's bridal shower this evening! I really hope it turns out as good as it smells!
While I was grocery shopping, I picked out a beautiful bunch of flowers and when I got home, Chris had picked roses from his parents garden for me:)
So let's see, two of my favorite places, a bridal shower, seeing my sweet friend for the weekend and several flower arrangements in my house. Yeah,it has been a great day!
I'm going to let these pictures describe the current state of my fabulous mood!
I bought this vase and some other things at C&B with birthday money!
Love the pinks and greens! It's so refreshing:)
Homegrown roses!
Don't these towels put you in a good mood?
Cute little herb labels:)
Hope your weekend is wonderful and relaxing!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Patience, Perseverance and Balance
Can you believe it is already Friday?! Hooray!
I think the Friday excitement gets my brain juices flowing because I have a lot on my mind today.
First of all, this whole 3 day work week is fantastic! I definitely could, I SHOULDN'T, but I could get used to this!
Secondly, I was cleaning the apartment last night...
Wait-let me insert something quickly. I cleaned before we left for Napa and somehow, being home one day, our house is a disaster! Seriously, did clowns invade the place?? Somebody explain to me how this happens! I am pretty sure it has to do with us being crazed and not able to unpack, but still, it is ridiculous!
Anyway, as I was cleaning and putting away birthday presents, it became quite clear to me that we have officially outgrown our apartment! I should clarify, we have outgrown the kitchen. It's not like we have a small place. It is 1100sf, but the kitchen is the only room that is comparatively small. It also happens to be the room I need the most space in! Figures:) I could also be getting very ansy to move into a house...
So we have offers on two houses and have been waiting for the bank to accept one of them forever!! We knew it would be like this, but I am getting so impatient! I want cabinet space and a big pantry:) Ahh! Patience...
I know that it will happen when it is suppose to, but I am not a very patient person:) You would think I would have learned to be. After all, Chris and I did get married on the week of our 5 year anniversary:)
On another note, my Dad has agreed to run the marathon with me in December! Yay, I am so excited to have someone to race with! Although this means that I can't wimp out. Not that I planned on it but, eek!
While we're on exercise, I want to share my current enthusiasm. As many of you know, I absolutely LOVE everything about fitness, nutrition and good health. After all, I did spend 4 years studying it:)
This last weekend was a reminder of balance. I am a firm believer in the importance of exercise and healthy meals, but throughout the last few years, I have also come to realize how important it is to enjoy food! I am a very goal-oriented person and can be very hard on myself, but while I believe being disciplined is a very important thing, finding a balance is equally important. While we were vacationing, Chris and I enjoyed some incredibly delicious and, well, "indulgent" food. But ask yourself, how fun would a trip to Napa be if you couldn't enjoy the delicious foods they have to offer (a good glass of wine or a wonderful cheese). The key is portions. I don't make it a normal practice to eat these things on a daily, or even weekly basis, but there is definitely a time and a place:) Just wanted to remind us all to enjoy life and savor every last moment(and incredible bite!).
Lastly, fitness has got me thinking about a person whom I greatly admire for his philosophy and incredible passion for health and balance. This person is Dr. Kenneth Cooper and he happens to be a phenomenal example of these things. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to intern at the Cooper Aerobics Center last year and see first hand what this means!
“Fitness is a journey, not a destination. It must be continued for the rest of your life.” Dr. Kenneth Cooper
“It is easier to maintain good health through proper exercise, diet, and emotional balance than to regain it once it is lost,” Dr. Kenneth Cooper
Wishing you love, happiness and good health always!
I think the Friday excitement gets my brain juices flowing because I have a lot on my mind today.
First of all, this whole 3 day work week is fantastic! I definitely could, I SHOULDN'T, but I could get used to this!
Secondly, I was cleaning the apartment last night...
Wait-let me insert something quickly. I cleaned before we left for Napa and somehow, being home one day, our house is a disaster! Seriously, did clowns invade the place?? Somebody explain to me how this happens! I am pretty sure it has to do with us being crazed and not able to unpack, but still, it is ridiculous!
Anyway, as I was cleaning and putting away birthday presents, it became quite clear to me that we have officially outgrown our apartment! I should clarify, we have outgrown the kitchen. It's not like we have a small place. It is 1100sf, but the kitchen is the only room that is comparatively small. It also happens to be the room I need the most space in! Figures:) I could also be getting very ansy to move into a house...
So we have offers on two houses and have been waiting for the bank to accept one of them forever!! We knew it would be like this, but I am getting so impatient! I want cabinet space and a big pantry:) Ahh! Patience...
I know that it will happen when it is suppose to, but I am not a very patient person:) You would think I would have learned to be. After all, Chris and I did get married on the week of our 5 year anniversary:)
On another note, my Dad has agreed to run the marathon with me in December! Yay, I am so excited to have someone to race with! Although this means that I can't wimp out. Not that I planned on it but, eek!
While we're on exercise, I want to share my current enthusiasm. As many of you know, I absolutely LOVE everything about fitness, nutrition and good health. After all, I did spend 4 years studying it:)
This last weekend was a reminder of balance. I am a firm believer in the importance of exercise and healthy meals, but throughout the last few years, I have also come to realize how important it is to enjoy food! I am a very goal-oriented person and can be very hard on myself, but while I believe being disciplined is a very important thing, finding a balance is equally important. While we were vacationing, Chris and I enjoyed some incredibly delicious and, well, "indulgent" food. But ask yourself, how fun would a trip to Napa be if you couldn't enjoy the delicious foods they have to offer (a good glass of wine or a wonderful cheese). The key is portions. I don't make it a normal practice to eat these things on a daily, or even weekly basis, but there is definitely a time and a place:) Just wanted to remind us all to enjoy life and savor every last moment(and incredible bite!).
Lastly, fitness has got me thinking about a person whom I greatly admire for his philosophy and incredible passion for health and balance. This person is Dr. Kenneth Cooper and he happens to be a phenomenal example of these things. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to intern at the Cooper Aerobics Center last year and see first hand what this means!
“Fitness is a journey, not a destination. It must be continued for the rest of your life.” Dr. Kenneth Cooper
“It is easier to maintain good health through proper exercise, diet, and emotional balance than to regain it once it is lost,” Dr. Kenneth Cooper
Wishing you love, happiness and good health always!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” Susan J. Bissonette
I want to be this kind of optimist! I want people to talk to me and feel like they see life, joy, excitement and true passion. I consider myself an optimist, but I have come to realize how easy it can be to lose that state of mind when I am tired, sick or things just don't go as planned. I feel that pessimism is easy. Good things are never easy, but they are so worth the time and effort! What a beautiful picture, to be the human personification of spring!
Happy Thursday!
I want to be this kind of optimist! I want people to talk to me and feel like they see life, joy, excitement and true passion. I consider myself an optimist, but I have come to realize how easy it can be to lose that state of mind when I am tired, sick or things just don't go as planned. I feel that pessimism is easy. Good things are never easy, but they are so worth the time and effort! What a beautiful picture, to be the human personification of spring!
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A Year Older and Never Felt Better!
Where do I even start with how incredible the last week has been? I am overwhelmed and completely grateful to have such wonderful people in my life who make feel so loved! Thank you for making my birthday such a special day!!
Friday was everything I hoped it would be. My Mom and I spent the day at The Fountains, shopping and getting pampered with manis and pedis:) The weather even cooperated! I woke up to a cloudy, dreary day and got a little grouchy, but wouldn't you know that by the time we were finished with our delicious breakfast, the sun was out and shining away:) Hallelujah!
There was a little change of plans on Saturday. We had planned on doing the 5k I told you about last week, but after discussing everything we had going on that day, we decided to skip it. The race was downtown and by the time we were finished we would have been rushing to get ready. Nobody wants that on their birthday:) So instead, I woke up early and went for a run on my own:) It was absolutely the best way to start the day! Especially given the many splurges I knew I would be making;) I got back home to the sweetest suprise ever. You see, I have been obsessed with cupcakes lately. I think they are absolutely adorable! I wanted this cute vintage looking cupcake tree from Crate and Barrel and haven't stopped telling Chris about it! Well, not only did he listen, but he spent hours the night before making and decorationg 48 amazing cupcakes for me (well, to share of course!). I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such an incredible husband!! Seriously, who does that?
The rest of the day was spent getting my eyebrows waxed, lunch at my favorite sushi restaurant, relaxing with Chris and dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with our families! Of course, we saved room for some cupcake goodness! I could not have asked for a better birthday or more incredible people to share it with!
You would think a girl couldn't be happier after all that, however, that was only the beggining! Easter sunday was awesome! Such a great reminder of all Christ has given us and all we owe to Him! God is so GOOD!!
After a delicious brunch at my Mom's, Chris and I were off to the Villagio in the beautiful wine country, for what felt like a second honeymoon! Talk about a much needed vacation together! Upon arriving to our gorgeous hotel Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed afternoon tea and all that goes along with such a delightful tradition. Not only was the tea great, but the scones, sandwiches and other goodies made my day! The weather could not have been more perfect for a walk through the lovely town of Yountville.
We spent the next few days lounging by the pool, wine tasting, walking through the local shops and enjoying each others company! Did I mention how incredible the food was?? Everything we ate was absolutely amazing, from the tomato soup in puff pastry, the eclairs from the quaint bakery, Bouchon, the braised short ribs, the rich chocolate souffle with hazlenut cream sauce...mmm, sorry, my mouth just watered:)
I know I don't need to tell you how beautiful the wine regions of California are, but I must say, Chris and I are constantly amazed at how breath taking Northern California really is. We are so thankful to be able to live in a place with such natural beauty!
The planner in me would tell you that I had this trip completely mapped out in my head. I can't help it! However, it always amazes me when I think I know how something will turn out and then it actually happens and it is even BETTER than I could have imagined. Our trip was exactly that!
We were suppose to go hot air ballooning on Tuesday morning, but unfortunately, due to the winds that day, it got cancelled and I was so dissappointed...for about 20 minutes. One of the captains said he would rather disappoint us than put us in danger and I thought to myself, "Stop being ridiculous!". After all, he reminded us that, "It is better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air then in the air wishing you were on the ground!". So true! It just means that we get to go back and redeem our flight in the next few months. I must say, if the only negative thing that came from this is that we have to visit Napa again to go for a balloon ride in a few months, we are doing pretty good! Plus, I think we can handle taking another weekend trip;)
So, after an incredibly beautiful, romantic and rejuvinating couple of days, I feel ready to face reality again! Thankfully we can ease back into work with a 3 day week!!
I posted pictures of some highlights from our trip, but there are a bunch more on Facebook:)
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!!
Much, much Love!

Friday was everything I hoped it would be. My Mom and I spent the day at The Fountains, shopping and getting pampered with manis and pedis:) The weather even cooperated! I woke up to a cloudy, dreary day and got a little grouchy, but wouldn't you know that by the time we were finished with our delicious breakfast, the sun was out and shining away:) Hallelujah!
There was a little change of plans on Saturday. We had planned on doing the 5k I told you about last week, but after discussing everything we had going on that day, we decided to skip it. The race was downtown and by the time we were finished we would have been rushing to get ready. Nobody wants that on their birthday:) So instead, I woke up early and went for a run on my own:) It was absolutely the best way to start the day! Especially given the many splurges I knew I would be making;) I got back home to the sweetest suprise ever. You see, I have been obsessed with cupcakes lately. I think they are absolutely adorable! I wanted this cute vintage looking cupcake tree from Crate and Barrel and haven't stopped telling Chris about it! Well, not only did he listen, but he spent hours the night before making and decorationg 48 amazing cupcakes for me (well, to share of course!). I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such an incredible husband!! Seriously, who does that?
The rest of the day was spent getting my eyebrows waxed, lunch at my favorite sushi restaurant, relaxing with Chris and dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with our families! Of course, we saved room for some cupcake goodness! I could not have asked for a better birthday or more incredible people to share it with!
You would think a girl couldn't be happier after all that, however, that was only the beggining! Easter sunday was awesome! Such a great reminder of all Christ has given us and all we owe to Him! God is so GOOD!!
After a delicious brunch at my Mom's, Chris and I were off to the Villagio in the beautiful wine country, for what felt like a second honeymoon! Talk about a much needed vacation together! Upon arriving to our gorgeous hotel Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed afternoon tea and all that goes along with such a delightful tradition. Not only was the tea great, but the scones, sandwiches and other goodies made my day! The weather could not have been more perfect for a walk through the lovely town of Yountville.
We spent the next few days lounging by the pool, wine tasting, walking through the local shops and enjoying each others company! Did I mention how incredible the food was?? Everything we ate was absolutely amazing, from the tomato soup in puff pastry, the eclairs from the quaint bakery, Bouchon, the braised short ribs, the rich chocolate souffle with hazlenut cream sauce...mmm, sorry, my mouth just watered:)
I know I don't need to tell you how beautiful the wine regions of California are, but I must say, Chris and I are constantly amazed at how breath taking Northern California really is. We are so thankful to be able to live in a place with such natural beauty!
The planner in me would tell you that I had this trip completely mapped out in my head. I can't help it! However, it always amazes me when I think I know how something will turn out and then it actually happens and it is even BETTER than I could have imagined. Our trip was exactly that!
We were suppose to go hot air ballooning on Tuesday morning, but unfortunately, due to the winds that day, it got cancelled and I was so dissappointed...for about 20 minutes. One of the captains said he would rather disappoint us than put us in danger and I thought to myself, "Stop being ridiculous!". After all, he reminded us that, "It is better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air then in the air wishing you were on the ground!". So true! It just means that we get to go back and redeem our flight in the next few months. I must say, if the only negative thing that came from this is that we have to visit Napa again to go for a balloon ride in a few months, we are doing pretty good! Plus, I think we can handle taking another weekend trip;)
So, after an incredibly beautiful, romantic and rejuvinating couple of days, I feel ready to face reality again! Thankfully we can ease back into work with a 3 day week!!
I posted pictures of some highlights from our trip, but there are a bunch more on Facebook:)
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!!
Much, much Love!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Day!
Happy Thursday!! Well, for me it is pretty much Friday:) I am beyond excited that I am off tommorow...until Wednesday!! I have already told three people that we are closed tomorrow, thinking it was friday. Whoops! I am in total vacation mode. Yay!
My day began with a loving gesture from my sweet husband. I walked in the bathroom to a beautiful calla lily and a cute little note:) And a huge plus, Chris had started my coffee!!! Absolutely LOVE him!
I must have been distracted by his sweetness because I forgot to put my wedding ring on after I put lotion on my hands:( I NEVER forget my ring and I seriously feel naked without it today! Sadly, we were running a little late for work so we couldn't go back home:( Huge bummer!
Also, I got my hair done last night and am officialy blond! I am SOO ready for summer! Chris loves it! I think it reminds him of when we first started dating:) Oh, sweet memories. I will make sure to post plenty of pictures of our trip so you can see my new hair!
Just THREE hours left of work and I am free! I can't wait to start the birthday festivities! Tomorrow I am spending the day with my Mom. Does it get better than Awful Annie's for breakfast, shopping, manis and pedis, shopping, lunching and shopping some more?? Don't think so!
This will probably be my last post until Chris and I get back from Napa on Tuesday evening! Can't wait to tell you all about it!!
Much Love and Happy Easter!!!
We'll be here in 3 days!
My day began with a loving gesture from my sweet husband. I walked in the bathroom to a beautiful calla lily and a cute little note:) And a huge plus, Chris had started my coffee!!! Absolutely LOVE him!
I must have been distracted by his sweetness because I forgot to put my wedding ring on after I put lotion on my hands:( I NEVER forget my ring and I seriously feel naked without it today! Sadly, we were running a little late for work so we couldn't go back home:( Huge bummer!
Also, I got my hair done last night and am officialy blond! I am SOO ready for summer! Chris loves it! I think it reminds him of when we first started dating:) Oh, sweet memories. I will make sure to post plenty of pictures of our trip so you can see my new hair!
Just THREE hours left of work and I am free! I can't wait to start the birthday festivities! Tomorrow I am spending the day with my Mom. Does it get better than Awful Annie's for breakfast, shopping, manis and pedis, shopping, lunching and shopping some more?? Don't think so!
This will probably be my last post until Chris and I get back from Napa on Tuesday evening! Can't wait to tell you all about it!!
Much Love and Happy Easter!!!
We'll be here in 3 days!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spring Palate
If this picture doesn't get your taste buds jumping for joy, I don't know what will! I just got the weekly email from Whole Foods and this popped right off the page:) This amazing looking salad will definitely be making an appearance on my meal planner next week! Paired with a glass of wine and a good chic flick...what more could a girl ask for?!
Click on the link below to get this recipe!
Steak and Goat Cheese Salad
Click on the link below to get this recipe!
Steak and Goat Cheese Salad

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Rain, Rain Go Away!
I am convinced that weird weather makes for weird days!
Here in Sacramento, we have definitely not had a shortage of sunshine; appropriate for the time of year and much appreciated!! It has made it much easier to go for my runs in the evenings after work. And not to mention just being more active throughout the day. Who wouldn't want to be outside when it is a perfect 71 degrees?!
I'm not really sure what happened, but this afternoon I was working away and I realized it was raining!! Excuse me?? Where did my sunshine go? And especially right before my birthday! The weather report says it should clear up by Friday, but that's still cutting it a bit close for my comfort!
Don't get me wrong, I love big rains, just not in April. This is pretty much how I feel today:(

So what have been the effects of this strange turn of the weather you ask? Well for me, I am finding it hard to get motivated to work out tonight. Bah! I have been doing so well and pushed through being really tired at the end of last week and now this? All I can say is, it will take some major motivation from my hubby to not put my sweats on when I get home:)Especially since I have a super yummy dinner planned tonight (soba noodles with grilled flank steak). I should also mention how the strangest people come out of the woodwork on days like this! Not only was I swamped at work, but I dealt with some real crazies today!
Today wasn't all negative though. Chris actually took the day off and got to watch the Giants opener! Honestly, I was a bit jealous when he was still in bed and I was leaving for work this morning, but it really was much deserved. I am so blessed with a husband who I can be proud of! I know that he has always and will always do everything in his power to suppport us and that is such a wonderful feeling. Thank you for your hard work, my Love! I hope you enjoyed your day off!
Here in Sacramento, we have definitely not had a shortage of sunshine; appropriate for the time of year and much appreciated!! It has made it much easier to go for my runs in the evenings after work. And not to mention just being more active throughout the day. Who wouldn't want to be outside when it is a perfect 71 degrees?!
I'm not really sure what happened, but this afternoon I was working away and I realized it was raining!! Excuse me?? Where did my sunshine go? And especially right before my birthday! The weather report says it should clear up by Friday, but that's still cutting it a bit close for my comfort!
Don't get me wrong, I love big rains, just not in April. This is pretty much how I feel today:(

So what have been the effects of this strange turn of the weather you ask? Well for me, I am finding it hard to get motivated to work out tonight. Bah! I have been doing so well and pushed through being really tired at the end of last week and now this? All I can say is, it will take some major motivation from my hubby to not put my sweats on when I get home:)Especially since I have a super yummy dinner planned tonight (soba noodles with grilled flank steak). I should also mention how the strangest people come out of the woodwork on days like this! Not only was I swamped at work, but I dealt with some real crazies today!
Today wasn't all negative though. Chris actually took the day off and got to watch the Giants opener! Honestly, I was a bit jealous when he was still in bed and I was leaving for work this morning, but it really was much deserved. I am so blessed with a husband who I can be proud of! I know that he has always and will always do everything in his power to suppport us and that is such a wonderful feeling. Thank you for your hard work, my Love! I hope you enjoyed your day off!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Bargain Hunters
Who doesn't like a good deal?
Doesn't matter the source, a good sale, coupons, and my personal favorite, GARAGE SALES!! For as long as I can remember, my parents and I have been huge fans of garage sales. We used to wake up early on a sunny Saturday morning, stop at a local doughnut shop and head off in search of some unknown treasures! I think half the fun is finding stuff for practically nothing, even if you don't particularly have a need for the stuff you buy, which happens on more occasions than I care to count:) More than anything though, it is the whole experience of it. I just love being with my family. And now that Chris has joined the clan, there has been a whole other element added to the kinds of things we look for and I love it! I'm pretty sure it was a requirement that the guy I married enjoyed them as much as we do:) I sure got lucky!!
While the deals were far and few between this morning, I still came home with a few good things and I only spent $17!
*I got an awesome decanter for only $3!!
*A bundt pan (which I have been wanting to buy for a while) for $0.50! Used maybe once or twice.
*A cool painting of an Orchid for our future guest bathroom:) Oh yeah, for $2.
*A fun pineapple shaped votive holder for outside. (Chris really wanted this)
*A few fun books, candle holders in a fun green color and the cutest half pint milk jug (I'm gonna use it as a vase in my kitchen!)

You know, now that I think of it, many of the big pieces in our house are either from garage sales or Craig's List. I could seriously make a business of it:) Not to brag, but I have a talent for finding cool pieces and fixing them up. Well, at least for telling Chris how I want them fixed:)
As I write this post, my darling husband is planting our herbs:) I had a difficult time figuring out which ones I wanted this year. We just don't have a ton of space. After spending about an hour at Lowe's this afternoon, we finally decided on basil, mint, chives, rosemary, cilantro and Chris threw in a red bell pepper:) Man, I can't wait to have my own little herb garden, and lemon tree and ... basically I can't wait for a house!
Here's a pic of one of my pots. The others are scattered in their own pots on our patio.

Well guys, I should probably go help my hubby:) Enjoy the marvelous sunshine!! Much Love!
Doesn't matter the source, a good sale, coupons, and my personal favorite, GARAGE SALES!! For as long as I can remember, my parents and I have been huge fans of garage sales. We used to wake up early on a sunny Saturday morning, stop at a local doughnut shop and head off in search of some unknown treasures! I think half the fun is finding stuff for practically nothing, even if you don't particularly have a need for the stuff you buy, which happens on more occasions than I care to count:) More than anything though, it is the whole experience of it. I just love being with my family. And now that Chris has joined the clan, there has been a whole other element added to the kinds of things we look for and I love it! I'm pretty sure it was a requirement that the guy I married enjoyed them as much as we do:) I sure got lucky!!
While the deals were far and few between this morning, I still came home with a few good things and I only spent $17!
*I got an awesome decanter for only $3!!
*A bundt pan (which I have been wanting to buy for a while) for $0.50! Used maybe once or twice.
*A cool painting of an Orchid for our future guest bathroom:) Oh yeah, for $2.
*A fun pineapple shaped votive holder for outside. (Chris really wanted this)
*A few fun books, candle holders in a fun green color and the cutest half pint milk jug (I'm gonna use it as a vase in my kitchen!)
You know, now that I think of it, many of the big pieces in our house are either from garage sales or Craig's List. I could seriously make a business of it:) Not to brag, but I have a talent for finding cool pieces and fixing them up. Well, at least for telling Chris how I want them fixed:)
As I write this post, my darling husband is planting our herbs:) I had a difficult time figuring out which ones I wanted this year. We just don't have a ton of space. After spending about an hour at Lowe's this afternoon, we finally decided on basil, mint, chives, rosemary, cilantro and Chris threw in a red bell pepper:) Man, I can't wait to have my own little herb garden, and lemon tree and ... basically I can't wait for a house!
Here's a pic of one of my pots. The others are scattered in their own pots on our patio.
Well guys, I should probably go help my hubby:) Enjoy the marvelous sunshine!! Much Love!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Happy April!! I am thrilled about so many happenings this month. This is probably no news to you if you have been keeping up with our blog:) However, instead of repeating the things I have already shared, I am going to tell you about how we will start my birthday (which is April 11, BTW).
Chris was looking around for fun things going on that weekend and stumbled upon a 5k we have signed up for. The thing is, the day after my Birthday is Easter so there isn't a ton of stuff going on. So, this morning Chris sent me some info about the run and I am super excited to be taking part in something so cool! It is called the Redeemer Run and sponsored by Koinonia Foster Homes. The proceeds from the race go to a foundation for an Orphanage and School in Uganda. I will let their website explain the details to you. Please take a look at it. Their heart for the Lord and His purpose really touched me.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
Chris was looking around for fun things going on that weekend and stumbled upon a 5k we have signed up for. The thing is, the day after my Birthday is Easter so there isn't a ton of stuff going on. So, this morning Chris sent me some info about the run and I am super excited to be taking part in something so cool! It is called the Redeemer Run and sponsored by Koinonia Foster Homes. The proceeds from the race go to a foundation for an Orphanage and School in Uganda. I will let their website explain the details to you. Please take a look at it. Their heart for the Lord and His purpose really touched me.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
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