Not too shabby, huh?!
And almost everything you see is courtesy of my old room:) With the exception of the adorable shams, which I just had to buy for the pop of color!
Some of the highlights of our weekend include (but were not limited to):
~ chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday morning:)
~ In-N-Out
~ seeing the new Harry Potter movie!
~ Friends Scene It (no lie)
~ all day pool fun on Sunday!
Even though I wish Rebecca could have stayed longer, I am so happy she was able to visit us! I can't believe how much I miss my friend! And now she is leaving for Germany in two weeks to teach for at least a year!! Chris and I are definitely going to try and make a visit while she's there!
I must say how disappointed I am in myself for taking hardly any pictures this weekend...very unlike me!
Lame I know, but here's what I've got:
Rebecca, Parris and me (Chris was there too) at In-N-Out..the only burger I LOVE!
At Harry Potter!!
Aren't they the cutest?!
Our little fam after church on Sunday:)
What Rebecca left for us to remember her:) Lovely drawing!!:)
After a lovely 4 day weekend, I literally hit the ground running at work today! Man am I glad I only work 3 days this week!
My wisdom teeth finally come out on Friday...
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