Because my head is still quite groggy, I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
Just in the nick of time on Wednesday evening, our new tv showed up and my hubby could not have been more pleased!

Our Thanksgiving began with the Run to Feed the Hungry! It was fantastic! I successfully ran the 6.2 miles and Chris and my Mom ran the 5k! Although I must give my Mom a ton of credit because she said she wasn't feeling well, but we found out Friday she has Swine Flu! I can't believe she ran, cooked Thanksgiving dinner AND got up at 2:30 Friday morning to shop!

After a lovely meal with my parents and dessert with Chris' whole family, it was off to bed to wake up extra early!

As I said, my Mom was feeling really bad by Friday so we only made it until 6, when I took her home. But I was wide awake so I went home, made a pot of coffee and started decorating for Christmas! Chris and I even got our tree, but by Friday evening I started getting a cough...
By Saturday morning I felt awful! Unfortunately, it lasted the entire weekend. Thankfully we were able to get our Christmas stuff up on Friday and as always, my husband tended to my every need. He is the best husband and caretaker ever, despite my tendencey to be very whiny when I'm sick!

So today I am still sick, but I no longer have a fever and my cough and body ache are pretty much gone. I hope I can kick it today! And I am really hoping Chris can somehow resist getting sick too!
Have a very merry Monday!